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Freelancing Tips & Guide: What You Should Know Before Freelancing

Freelancing Tips & Guide: What You Should Know Before Freelancing

Covid_19 has brought to the forefront, the remote work agenda. A lot of companies are switching to a remote mode of operations to continue in business. This development would give rise to a new set of workers looking for freelance opportunities so that they’ll work with multiple businesses and increase their income. However, before you get started on this journey, it’s important to know & implement the following freelancing tips.

1) Have a Well-Defined Service Offering

Understand how to define what to do, highlighting the service offerings. If you’re offering multiple services, learn to separate both with different offers and only bundle them into one when needed. This would help you to maintain a good structure for your business.

2) Work on Your Unique Selling Point

Be able to craft an enticing offer for your potential clients. Be different. Statistics show that there are tens of millions of freelancers out there. So, be able to portray a presentable picture for your audience.

3) Understand Your Target Audience

Freelancing is WORK. Identify your client’s needs and be able to provide excellent solutions. The more value you offer, the better for your brand in terms of authority and income.

4) Take Networking Serious

Be Open To Collaborations. Build relationships with professionals in your industry and related fields. This way, you have access to opportunities and learn more.

5) Build Your Portfolio

Have a well-organized portfolio. It presents you as a professional while pitching your service to your prospects. If you don’t have a portfolio yet, build your social media pages with information about what you do. In simple terms, talking about what you do publicly with relevant contributions is another form of a portfolio.

6) Think Long Term

Lastly, if you’re going to survive as a freelancer, treat it as a business. The goal is not to take shortcuts to make a few bucks. It is to build a reputable brand capable of generating consistent income.


A lot of newbie freelancers make mistakes because they do not implement the basic things that would help them navigate the world of freelancing successfully. Hopefully, implementing the freelancing tips above would help you find success. For further reading, check out this article that explains in simple terms what you need to know on how to onboard freelance clients.


I am John Oladokun Opeyemi. Follow me on Facebook, TwitterInstagram to get access to several updates on Business, Work, Marketing, Freelancing, and How to Build a Reputable/Profitable Brand or Business on the Internet.


John Oladokun Opeyemi is a Content Writer, Social Media Analyst and SEO strategist that loves helping brands and businesses achieve their objective via working digital solutions.

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    I am John Oladokun Opeyemi. A Content Writer, Social Media Analyst and SEO Strategist. I love helping brands and businesses achieve their objective via working digital solutions. Welcome to my Space.

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