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How to Create a Good Marketing Content For Your Brand and Business

How to Create a Good Marketing Content For Your Brand and Business

Investing in quality content can be a game-changer for your brand/business. It has the ability to determine the extent to which your marketing objective is achieved. The following tips would help you create quality marketing content for your brand/business.

1) Quality Research

Understanding the needs of your audience is important. Create content around what your audience seeks answers or solutions and not what you want to give them. If you have no audience yet & looking to market your product, you can employ the use of SEO tools, carry out keyword search on search engines, social media, forums, etc. If you have an existing audience, it’s good to have quality data such as phone number, email to target customers to participate in surveys.

2) Good Headline/Title

Your headline determines if your reader would read your entire content. So, it’s important you have a catchy headline that’ll spur interest in the reader. Asides this, your headline should communicate benefit(s) to the reader.

3) Interesting Body Copy

After your headline, your introduction is the next thing that captures your reader’s interest to go through your content. You can employ storytelling fit for your audience to draw the reader in. Also, infuse your content with relevant information that settles your audience’s curiosity. Lace it with specific keywords for easy targeting.

4) Quality Images/Infographics

Studies have shown that text content with images/videos provides good user experience than text alone. In fact, a reader is more likely to read through a piece of content based on the appealing image used to promote the content. So, it is important to add appealing image(s) that syncs with your marketing content.

5) Call-To-Action

Spur your reader to take action after/while reading your content. Not all readers have a long attention span. So, depending on the structure of your content, infuse your CTA tag to relevant sections of the page copy. Ensure to collect emails by attaching a lead magnet to your content. This helps you to build an audience interested in your product/service for future targeting.


Creating quality marketing content that can help build awareness, generate leads, and increase sales involves implementing a good content strategy. The above tips summarize what you to create quality marketing content for your brand/business.

You can also invite a professional to work on your content, ad copies, email copies, etc. for your business. This is where I come in. I provide professional content writing services for brands and businesses. Contact me today. Let’s get your business to the next level. 

About the writer

I am John Oladokun Opeyemi. Follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram to get access to several updates on Business, Work, Marketing, Freelancing, and How to Build a Reputable/Profitable Brand or Business on the Internet.


John Oladokun Opeyemi is a Content Writer, Social Media Analyst and SEO strategist that loves helping brands and businesses achieve their objective via working digital solutions.

  • About Me

    Hi there!
    I am John Oladokun Opeyemi. A Content Writer, Social Media Analyst and SEO Strategist. I love helping brands and businesses achieve their objective via working digital solutions. Welcome to my Space.

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