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How to Optimize Email Marketing Strategy for Your Business


Email marketing is one of the most underrated  marketing strategies for most small and medium scale businesses. This is because most of these marketers believe the other marketing strategies will give a quicker result. However, this is far from the truth as you can get massive gains from email marketing. It is possible if you learn how to optimize email marketing strategy to yield results. 

This is why over 290 billion emails are sent daily, and the number keeps increasing every day. Learning how to optimize email marketing strategy that will yield the desired result and deliver the best ROI is what business owners should opt for.

Email marketing is more effective than most of the other marketing strategies, including SEO. Pay per click and even content marketing. A single dollar spent on email marketing can bring in a return of up to $51. This can even be more as will be explained in the latter part of this article. With that being established, here are the best email marketing strategies that will bring your business extraordinary results:


Personalizing the email messages you send to your audience is an integral step to optimize email marketing strategy and getting the desired result. This does not mean that you need to send separate individual messages to each one of your audience daily. It means is that every message you send to must be created in such a way that each audience feels like you are communicating directly with them.

One way to personalize the emails you send to your audience is to begin each message with your audiences’ name. For instance, instead of “Dear esteemed client,” you can say, “Dear Joe.” This will go a long way in making your audience feel like you are speaking directly to them whenever they read their mails.

Another way by which you can personalize every message easily is to ask for enough information up front. This means that the mails you are sending should not be decided at the point of you sending the message. You can get their information upfront from the signup forms on your website. The form can request for the names of your audience and their address, and company name. 

You can also ask other needed information; however, it is best for you only to ask the right questions. This way, your audiences do not feel like you are asking for too much personal information and become unwilling to give their email addresses. 


Allowing your audience to respond to the email is another great email marketing strategy. This means that instead of choosing a “donotreply” email address, you should opt for a real reply address instead. This way, you can keep the communication line open, and it will even get your audience to trust you more.

The inclusion of a real email signature will go a long way in convincing your audience that your business is legit and help build trust. Including a real email, signature implies that you should add your contact information and details at the end of every message. This will make it easier for your audience to connect with various online platforms or even offline.


Email segmentation is another essential campaign you can use to optimize email marketing strategy in order to get to your desired audience and achieve a better result. According to Hubspot, email list segmentation is one of the best ways to increase all email marketing KPIs’ performance. However, it is sad that most business owners are not making use of this email database segmentation strategy. This is mostly because they do not know how best to segment their email list.

Imagine you want to sell a specific product or service to a particular group of persons in a specific location. Email segmentation allows you to send in messages to them easily without having to bother everyone on your email list. This will help send relevant messages only to your audience. Irrelevant messages will only cause your audience to get tired of reading whatever email you send to them. Hence, causing a reduction in your customer base.

Email segmentation can be in different forms as you can segment by industry, company size, or sales cycle. Your marketing funnel’s individual stages can also determine the audiences in each segment of your email list. All of these are to ensure that you send the right message to the specific set of audience that really need them. This way, your audience will anticipate your emails, and it can increase your chances of selling to them whatever it is you have to offer.


It is essential to know your audience’s thought line. One of the ways to figure this out is to test each email campaign strategy to find out which one works. You can try out different subject lines and see which one engages your audience better. The name that appears in the “from” field also goes a long way in determining whether your audience will read your email or just delete it from their devices. Hence, you want to test your from address by trying out different versions. Then you opt for whichever one you feel works best.

Depending on the kind of business, you can also test if the long email works for your clients or if they prefer shorter ones. Long emails with a detailed copy can work for some businesses. Whereas a shorter email that just redirects readers to the website’s homepage works for some other businesses.

Read more on guidelines to write email marketing copies that convert for your business.


The truth is that only a few business owners are maximizing email marketing strategy to promote their business. You can leverage on this to outperform your competitors online. Whether you are sticking to a long email or short one or you are looking to personalize every email sent, a great level of professionalism is required. This is where I come in. I can help create customized marketing strategies to grow your business, engage with your customers, and penetrate new customer bases.

Also, I can help develop lead generation campaigns for different stages of your marketing funnel. I can also create different customer segmentation based on the individual stage of the customer in your marketing funnel. Also, I can help create specific content for each of these segments. 

Contact me today, and let’s get started.


I am John Oladokun Opeyemi. Follow me on FacebookTwitter,  Instagram to get access to several updates on Business, Work, Marketing, Freelancing, and How to Build a Reputable/Profitable Brand or Business on the Internet.