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SEO Basics: How to Earn and Build Backlinks to Your Website | Off-Page SEO

SEO Basics: How to Earn and Build Backlinks to Your Website | Off-Page SEO

earning and building backlinks

Many marketers are struggling with getting their website ranked on search engine result pages. Apart from the fact that it takes time for Google to recognize your website, getting to the first page in your niche can be quite tasking. However, this can change if you implement the right SEO strategy on your website. One of the strategies that have remained on the top list of Google for a long time is Backlinks. The presence of Backlinks has remained one of the top three ranking factors for google for a long time. Hence, maximizing this on your website will go a long way in yielding the result you desire. To build backlinks simply mean that some other sites link back a page, post, picture, video, or chart on your website. This helps to show confidence, trust, and authority on your website, hence getting a search engine to rank it higher. However, earning and building backlinks can be quite challenging if you do not know how best to go about it. 

It is worthy of note that backlinks should be editorially earned and topically relevant. This means you should not make use of toxic links or paid backlinks to your website, as this can greatly harm your website. With that in mind, here are a few steps you can take to earn and build backlinks to your websites:


The first and somewhat easiest backlink earning strategy is to create resource pages. These resource pages can be in any format, depending on your business niche. Once you have quality resource pages built, relevant authorities in your niche can easily put your link on their website. For instance, you can create relevant resource pages for Universities, Colleges, or Travel and tourism boards.

One good step to creating relevant resource pages is to do competitor research. Find out those who are linking to your competitors’ website and not to you. Then you can create better content than your competitors and offer them to these authorities. Once you have a better resource than your competitors, then authorities in your niche can prioritize you ahead of your competitors.


Another method of earning and building backlinks to your website is identifying broken links and creating relevant content around them. Broken links are links on informative web pages that are no longer existing. This means that an authority website in your niche might be linking back to another page or website that is no longer existing.

You can maximize this by creating the exact content in the broken link and offering it an alternative to the informative website. This is a great way to earn trust in your niche early as you are helping the informative website reduce the broken link on their website while increasing your chances of being seen.


Most times, your website or brand can be mentioned on several platforms without your knowledge. This means that the webmaster, journalist, or blogger just referred casually to your brand without linking back to it. You can then maximize this opportunity by finding out where your brand name has been mentioned without your link. Once you have this list, you can then politely reach out to these ones to include the link to your page or brand on their website.
When reaching out, you must also state the website’s editorial relevance, as this will prompt them to make a quick decision. Once these individuals find out that your content is not valuable, they might remove your brand’s name and replace it with another. This is why you need to be careful while reaching out to them.


This backlink strategy works for those own eCommerce stores or other online retail businesses. It means that you are selling someone else’s product, and usually, the manufacturers of those products tend to put up a list of those selling their products. You can find this out by checking out the manufacturer’s website and looking out for your brand. If you do not find your brand’s name, you can reach out to your contact; find out about the listing process and get listed.

You can maximize the use of the supplier link on different platforms, as this shows a sign of authenticity. Search engines will also view your website as relevant; hence, helping your website rank better on search engine result pages.


The skyscraper technique is a terminology that was first introduced by Brian Dean of Backlinko. This technique requires you to create the best content in your niche. All you have to do is find out the successful content that has earned a lot of links. Then create better content and offer it to those who linked to the original piece.

This strategy is one of the backlink tactics that require actual work and not hoping for a result. Once you can create a better content in that category, then you can displace the other content and get backlinks to your website. However, to get the best content, be prepared to do a lot of work and research. You might also have to include a couple of visuals in the content to spice it up and make it better in the niche.


Listicles are another great way of getting your website listed and also earning backlinks to your website. Some platforms write articles relating to the top or best in different categories. Then they can add numbers like “Top 10,” “Best 5,” etc. You can check out these websites to find out if your content or page has been listed. If you do not find your content on these websites, you can simply reach out to the owner and tell them how valuable your page is. Some of them might be willing to edit their content and add yours. Hence, this is a good strategy for earning backlinks to your web pages.


Earning and building backlinks for businesses can be somewhat difficult because the business owner might have several other things to focus on. However, hiring an expert to get the job done can help save a lot of trouble. This is where I come in. As an SEO expert, I can help increase the number of topical and relevant backlinks to your website. Using the strategies above, I can help rank your website ahead of your competitors on search engine result pages. Contact me today, and let’s get started!


I am John Oladokun Opeyemi. Follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram to access several updates on Business, Work, Marketing, Freelancing, and How to Build a Reputable/Profitable Brand or Business on the Internet.


John Oladokun Opeyemi is a Content Writer, Social Media Analyst and SEO strategist that loves helping brands and businesses achieve their objective via working digital solutions.

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I am John Oladokun Opeyemi. A Content Writer, Social Media Analyst and SEO Strategist. I love helping brands and businesses achieve their objective via working digital solutions. Welcome to my Space.

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